
Mining & Industrial Production Data Networking Solutions

MCR Technologies Group,  can provide two options for networking your production data. MCR Technologies can provide the RD3 Display Monitor, or the AggLink Data Service. Depending on what your requirements, MCR Technologies has the solution for you and your team for networking. The RD3 Display Monitor can monitor 16 scales at one time. Each scale can be named to your specific callout to allow ease of identification. Data log & download production information on one screen, one location. Easy to read spreadsheets available. View data anywhere on your network that the RD3 Display is connected to.

Connection to the RD3 Display from the control boxes at the scale can be done though ethernet or wireless with radios. AggLink data services take the complexity out of monitoring and reporting critical plant data. Inventory and production reports can be generated with a click of the mouse, or swipe of the finger, from virtually anywhere in the world. No longer does it require dedicated PC’s, complicated data connections or dedicated IT staff. From a simple portable plant to multiple locations spread across the globe, AggLink can connect to them all and bring the data into one easy to manage portal. Reporting can be as simple as a daily text message or a packet of reports emailed to multiple addresses. Up to the minute data can be accessed instantly from virtually any device. Even a simple telephone can call in for an automated voice report. Almost any type of Internet connection can be supported. If one is not available AggLink can provide cellular data service plans.

To see sample quarry in action through AggLink,

click on AggLink Logo and type in:

Username: demo

Password: Shark_2015

Networking Information

AggLink Brochure


Remote Display Brochure

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